
Join Us in Serving Arkansas Families in Need

ACE means more to this family than I can put into words. ACE has allowed her to smile again.
Parents Corey and Elizabeth

Launching during the 2018-2019 school year, ACE Arkansas has sustained close to 300 scholarships for 2019-2020, with average scholarship amount of $1,889 (K-8) and $2,688 (9-12).

For families like Corey and Elizabeth’s, that means their daughter who suffered significant trauma is now in a school that is enabling her to return to her vibrant self and reach her full potential. They have seen profound improvement in her grades, her confidence, and her social and emotional well-being. There are hundreds of deserving Arkansas children awaiting the opportunity to attend the school that will best serve them, and your investment makes all the difference.


ACE Arkansas is resolute in our mission of providing children of low-income families with scholarships to private schools in grades K-12, and to advocate for expanded school choice. We see a historic opportunity to expand funding for our private scholarship program in Arkansas and also to affect change on the advocacy front—combined efforts to dramatically increase the number of low-income children who are able to benefit from educational freedom in our state.

2020 Focus


  • Establish an endowment
  • Build reserve funds

Growth & Expansion

  • Cultivate for donor acquisition, and steward for donor retention, with a goal of increasing total giving by 40% ƒ
  • Prepare to sustainably scale to 350 scholars with an average scholarship amount of $2,500 by 2021

Advocacy & Engagement 

  • Create practical ways to enact change within policy to engage community constituents
  • Anchor ACE Arkansas through volunteerism, parental engagement, and board development

For more information, please contact: Lupita Roy Rasheed, Vice President of Development, at 501.766.2950 or [email protected]

Upcoming Events

  • Arkansas National School Choice Week Events | January 28 – 30, 2020 ƒ
  • ACE Arkansas Civics Day | February 10, 2020

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