This is more than the story of America’s educational crisis. It’s the story of how we can solve it.
There’s a crisis in American education. Too many kids from lower-income families are falling between the cracks simply because they’re stuck in failing schools and can’t afford any other options. And it’s happening right here in Kansas.
ACE Scholarships was founded in 2000 to provide these lower-income parents with school choice for their families through partial scholarships to K-12 private schools. In 2016, ACE Scholarships expended into Kansas.
ACE serves the children of lower-income families, the majority of which qualify for the federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program.
Give a child the promise of a better tomorrow by becoming a donor today.
Please help us provide scholarships to lower-income children all over Kansas and let’s give children from lower-income families the opportunity for a great education and a lifetime of success. You can empower children with a quality, life-changing education at the elementary or high school of their dreams by donating to ACE. For those inclined to make a difference and fortify our Kansas community, this program is a no-brainer. Eighty-six percent of every donation to ACE directly funds a child’s scholarship, and the taxpayer receives a 75% state income tax credit, if eligible through the Kansas Low Income Student Scholarship Program for this donation. That’s a small investment for an enormous benefit to kids who need it most.

Board of Advisors
Chuck Bloom President, Personal Financial Management
George Bruce Wichita, KS
Cody Foster Topeka, KS
Chuck Mackey Louisburg, KS
Dave Newbery Newbery Ungerer & Hickert, LLP
Kansas Staff
AJ KUHLE President, ACE Kansas & Missouri
p: 303.501.0464
e: [email protected]
e: kssupport@
ACE Kansas News