ACE scholars contribute to excellence at Billings Christian School
Billings Christian School is known for forming students with a strong moral character, leadership skills, academic excellence, a commitment to service, and a lifelong love of learning.
According to Diann Floth, Head of School at Billings Christian, the best is yet to come.
“Our student body has grown from 132 students in 2011 to 286 students in 2017,” Diann explained. “To maintain high standards as we continue to grow, we are implementing best-practices in education along with recruiting, equipping, and empowering great teachers who are committed to the success of each one of our students.”
Billings Christian School is a PreK-12 school founded in 1981. Located on a beautiful campus that includes separate buildings for its primary and secondary programs, the school has an instructional computer lab, iPads in the elementary classrooms, music room, art room, science lab, and a spacious new gymnasium dedicated this year.
“Our teachers see themselves as partners with parents in the education of their children,” Diann explained. “This is especially important when a student is struggling for some reason – we do not give up until we find a way to help.”
The Elementary Principal and Secondary Principal provide support and leadership in their respective schools. A fulltime Chaplain helps integrate spiritual formation into programs at the school. Among other resources available at the school is a dedicated Reading and Math Specialist, who works with students to overcome any challenges they may face in those subjects. For our juniors and seniors, dual-credit college courses are taught on our campus.
Diann explained that generous support from families and community leaders in the area allows the school to keep its tuition as affordable as possible, but there are always families that would like to send their children to the school, but cannot afford the tuition. “ACE Scholarships has been a key strategic partner in helping us welcome a growing number of students who otherwise would not be able to attend.”
In 2017, there will be 35 students attending Billings Christian School as ACE Scholars.
“I wish everyone could have the experience of sitting across from a family when they find out that their student has received an ACE Scholarship,” Diann said. “ACE recipients are among the top students at our school, and their personal gifts and perspectives make Billings Christian a far better school than it would be without them.”
In a recent strategic planning process that involved the entire Billings Christian community, the school confirmed its mission and values, established agreement around measurable outcomes for academic and spiritual formation, and set goals for the future.
“Thanks to the vision of our founders, and the dedication of our board, faculty and staff, we are able to offer an outstanding academic and faith-formation program to our students,” Diann explained. “We could not be more grateful to ACE Scholarships for allowing us to offer our program to many outstanding students whose dreams for a brighter future are being realized at Billings Christian School.”
For more information on Billings Christian School, visit

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